
No more sale and upgrades of Android tablets from Dell

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL No more sale and upgrades of Android tablets from Dell

Yes, it’s over between Dell and Android. Dell has announced that it shall no longer sell or upgrade devices running on Android. Instead, the company would focus its energies on Windows devices.


Dell was among the few major OEMs who had decided to stick to Android in their tablets despite the popularity gained by Windows after the launch of its Windows 8. Among major android tablets it launched, were devices from the Venue series including Venue 7 and Venue 8.

CIOL No more sale and upgrades of Android tablets from Dell

However, the company has now decided to shift its focus to all-in-one devices that will sport the Windows platform, “The slate tablet market is over-saturated and is experiencing declining demand from consumers, so we’ve decided to discontinue the Android-based Venue tablet line.”


In case you have bought a Venue product recently, Dell says, “For customers who own Android-based Venue products, Dell will continue to support currently active warranty and service contracts until they expire, but we will not be pushing out future OS upgrades.”

Android-based tablets are going the way of the Dodo. With larger phones like the Galaxy Note and less impetus to add yet another mobile data line to a standalone tablet, it’s clear that there is little need for yet another Android slate. The primary users – children and casual web browsers – are better served by cheap tablets like the Kindle Fire line.

Dell will continue to sell and support its Chromebooks which can run Android apps and renew its focus on Windows laptops.

android dell windows