
Windows 10 Anniversary Update coming on August 2

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL Windows 10 Anniversary Update will launch on August 2nd

Microsoft has announced that its Windows 10 Anniversary Update will get launched on August 2. This is one of the biggest Windows 10 updates yet and will include new features for both consumers and enterprises.


Another big declaration at the event was that Windows 10 now runs on 350 million devices and users have spent 135 billion hours using it so far.

To many, August 2 sounds a little odd as Microsoft’s free update offer, which allows most current Windows users to update to Windows 10 for free, expires just a few days earlier on July 29. July 29 also marks the one-year anniversary of Windows 10 that gives the update its name. Windows senior director Lisa Gurry says the company doesn’t want to roll out a major update on the 29th because it’s a Friday and also because the Windows team wanted some extra time to finish the product.

For the enterprises, the update will include a number of new security features, including advanced threat protection in Windows Defender and the Windows Information Protection Service for ensuring that enterprise data remains secure.


Most of the new features, however, are geared toward consumers. Cortana, for example, will now be able to answer to queries without you having to log in to your computer and can now help you recall your frequent flier number, while Windows Ink allows you to easily write notes, draw sketches, and add sticky notes to documents and web sites.

CIOL Windows 10 Anniversary Update will launch on August 2ndXbox One users will also see some updates to their console. Maybe the most noticeable will be the addition of Cortana to the system. In addition, Microsoft’s Xbox Anywhere program will allow gamers to buy games once and then play them on Xbox One and on their PCs. These games will be available in the new unified Windows Store on Xbox and PC.

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