
What will be the future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and healthcare are two industries that are currently ruling at the forefront of their most innovative phases. With AI taking technological development by storm and the healthcare industry booming with the newest discoveries, it is only time for both to meet.


Artificial Intelligence or AI refers to the growth of the internet and data-driven entities that are built for the development of various online sectors and support. AI helps ease out the effort and time that goes into providing solutions to consumers all around the world. With the advanced development in the AI sector, it has become an easy functionality for all various industries to develop and provide data-driven solutions for their problems.

While AI is primarily focused on data collection, healthcare is driven by innovation that is an outcome of the collected data in the field of science and discovery. This is the one most important factor that facilitates the use of AI in healthcare and shows hope for a promising future. When AI is integrated into the field of healthcare, it gives way to newer and more advanced innovations that can facilitate the way healthcare is dealt with.

While AI is at the prime and centre of the digital development and integration of the various industries, there are certain challenged that are yet to be tackled and smoothened out for better use of AI. Some of the major challenges faced include the amount of data that is required in order to ensure a smooth functioning of the AI system.


When combined with the use in the healthcare industry, it means that there is a major need of patient data that the AI system can process and analyze in order to provide a solution. AI functioning entirely depends on data analyses and processes. To analyze or process this data, the department would require access to personal medical records of patients. If this isn’t done the right way, it could lead to an infringement of the code of conduct for medical centers.

While it is easy to ask for patients permissions, it is vital to also secure their rights and ensure that no ill use of this data is made. Another potential challenge is the quality of the patient’s data. There is no guarantee that a patient’s data collected is true or not laundered as per the needs. This, in turn, can be extremely dangerous given the fact that faulty or incomplete data could lead to incomplete or faulty analysis.

Now while there are several challenges to be tackled with the integration of AI in Healthcare, it does not mean that it cannot be done. As explained earlier with the developing backgrounds of each of these sciences, it is an ingenious idea to integrate the two.


AI holds tremendous potential and value in the field of Healthcare. One of the most important facts is that AI can help expedite the process to diagnose an illness. Speed is key when it comes to healthcare. The sooner you diagnose the problem, the easier it is to provide the solution. With pre-entered data, AI can help people with quick solutions for their problems.

Dhananjay Arora, Founder, Kwebmaker Dhananjay Arora, Founder, Kwebmaker

AI will now have the ability to diagnose illnesses, completely eliminating the need for a human to the same. With exact accurate data, it will now be possible for humans to get the exact course of treatment without the possibility of faulty diagnostics. One of the leading problems facts in the healthcare industry is the fact that many hospitals even today have the wrong diagnosis on an illness, only to increase the suffering of that individual. The accurate data that is entered will now ensure that the right solutions are now provided with the exact amount of time needed and will fasten the process of the treatments involved.


Another such use of AI is in the process of examining the medical images. With access to more and more medical images, and the tremendous ability to store and analyze data, it will now be possible for the healthcare tycoons to look for solutions to problems that have not been looked into so far. AI’s ability to read patterns has now made it possible for medical companies to pinpoint issues faced at large by the healthcare industry.

This simple ability to process a large amount of data will now result into the ability to discover drugs that can help cure diseases. With the right information and the intellectual capability to process this kind of data, it is now possible to find quicker and better solutions to problems. Drugs are developed using data that is researched and studied over the years. It requires the ability to process and analyze great amounts of data that can read the smallest of the red-flags. With the AI’s ability to do so without any limit it is now easier to read patterns or even find solutions that are not easily visible to one's eye.

AI is already playing a vital role at large through smartwatches and smart devices. The simple ability to track an individual’s health and sleep patterns is now resulting in the AI’s assistance in changing these unhealthy patterns of that individual. From tracking heart rates to the physical activities done, these apps and products now provide with solutions that can help improve the way of life.


It also makes it easier for individuals to find solutions to illnesses that don’t require full-fledged treatments. Health concerns like cold, fever, etc, can now be dealt with the help of AI and solutions that have been recorded as the best.

As a result of these developments and potential growth, many private and public companies are now interested in investing in the AI development of healthcare. As per studies there has been a boom in the acquisition of the healthcare AI startups and has projected a 40% growth in the AI integrations worldwide. AI also felicitates in the reallocation of resources in sectors they are needed. It is a cost-effective way to ensure optimal growth.

All of this is possible simply due to the ability of AI to use algorithms that process data in the post sophisticated manner. It also betters the outcome each time it receives valuable feedback and can eradicate the errors in judgment and results; all leading to a reduction in potential health risks through the extraction of the necessary information.


In conclusion, I would say that the future of AI in the healthcare industry is bright. Together these two most advanced fields can result in solutions that can help humanity at large. Through this, we can face having achieved greater impacts on the global development of human life.

By Dhananjay Arora, Founder, Kwebmaker

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