
WikiLeaks killed worldwide, Assange faces arrest

CIOL Bureau
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BANGALORE, INDIA: Whistle-blower Website Wikileaks, which created a virtual storm by releasing over 2.5 lakh sensitive diplomatic documents has been killed Worldwide.

Citing a Wikileaks message, ABC News, says servers in the United States have killed the site's domain name following "mass attacks". The domain hosting withdrawal means the website is down worldwide. Earlier this week Amazon booted WikiLeaks from its servers, said the report.


" domain killed by US after claimed mass attacks KEEP US STRONG", said a message from Wikileaks on Twitter.

Citing British media reports it also said Scotland Yard could arrest the site's founder Julian Assange as early as tomorrow.

Prosecutors in Sweden want to question Assange over alleged sex crimes involving two women during a visit to Stockholm in August.


According to, said in a statement on its website it had terminated services to WikiLeaks, which it had hosted for four years.

" provided domain name system (DNS) services to the domain name until 10pm EST, December 2, 2010, when such services were terminated," the statement read.

However, it did not give any reasons for the termination, which comes amid massive controversy for WikiLeaks.


Sweden has issued an arrest warrant against him in connection with alleged sexual offenses which he denies. According to reports, his lawyers have denied reports he is hiding from the law at an unknown location in the U.K., saying he is lying low because of threats made against him.
