CAMBRIDGE, USA: Windows Phone (WP) will lead in mobile OS market share by 2015, topping even Android, according to a new Pyramid Points blog from Pyramid Research.
After publishing the global findings from Pyramid's Q1 smartphone forecast, some people picked up on the very last sentence of our précis: "By 2015, Windows Phone will establish itself as the leader in the smartphone OS space."
This statement has been misinterpreted, thinking that the WP will establish its leadership in 2015 said a press release.
"Pyramid believes that this will happen much earlier - as early as 2013,' says Stela Bokun, senior analyst at Pyramid Research in her latest blog Why Windows Phone Will Beat Android.
She further added in her blog, "While we acknowledge the momentum that Android is experiencing and will continue to experience in 2011 and 2012, we believe that Nokia and Microsoft are a very powerful tandem, and that will show in its full force by the end of 2013."
While Android will continue to grow beyond 2013, its growth will slow down compared to the skyrocketing surge in 2010 and 2011 she added.
"Even though WP will maintain the leadership from 2013 through 2015, the battle with Android will be fierce going forward and will result in many overtakings and ties between the two operating systems going forward — all at the expense of iOS and BlackBerry, which will experience a losing streak," concludes Bokun.