
VuLiv Player launches eye tracking tech for digital advertising

CIOL Writers
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VuLiv Player, an intelligent audio-video platform that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build predictive & prescriptive content recommendations has launched EyeVu- an AI powered advanced tracking technology that gauges a viewer attention to digital content and enables brands & marketers to track even the slightest eye movement of a consumer while watching brand advertisement’s or digital video content.


This generates real time data that provides rich creative insights for brands to investigate a consumer’s viewing interest pattern to a particular ad campaign or video content.

The data generated can also help decode the science of compelling storytelling by advising marketers to rework on the content frame by frame and create A-B video testing samples to analyse audience response by exposing them to different edits of video under controlled conditions.

" With EyeVu AI, marketers first time will receive scientific measurement of a video content’s emotional engagement and predictive effectiveness of target audience, thereby creating the most effective formulae of gripping story telling for brands. This technology combined with AI and Big Data can unearth human science data to build right creative content, be it for advertising or entertainment,” said Manoj Kumar Gupta, Founder & CEO, VuLiv Player.


According to marketing research firm eMarketer’s data, mobile will account for more than half (62.0 percent) of overall digital ad spending, which is expected to hit a total of $2.8 billion by 2020 . Globally, mobile ad spending touched $36.6 billion in 2016 , accounting for 51 percent of overall digital advertising spending , according to IAB’s Internet Advertising Revenue Report.

With VuLiv Player’s EyeVu data, marketers can analyse the creative lift of entertainment video piece that is been targeted to the consumer, predict and analyse their actual viewing pattern, understand where the customer’s attention is dropping or where they are most attentively watching in a video advertising session and create more relevant, compelling and gripping brand advertising content, saving almost 90 percent marketing dollars and generate accurate conversions to the campaign.
