Generally, users tend to click more pictures than videos. The reason being that videos take up a lot of space on your phone. But not anymore. VoxWeb, the Singapore-based social networking company has launched its new iMessage app that enables iPhone users to send speaking pictures or "voxies" to each other over iMessage.
The speaking pictures app which is quite popular among the celebrities allows users to attach an 11-second voice clip to the image posts and share it through various social platforms. Whenever any user sends a voxy an orange line is denoted beneath the picture. Once any user receives a voxy, he/she can tap into it and listen to the message within the app. Users can exchange voxies with their friends on iMessage by sharing them from the VoxWeb app. The new feature does not consume too much bandwidth as compared to a video and conveys so much more than any normal picture.
Yash Mishra, Founder and CEO of VoxWeb, said, "With speaking pictures or voxies, we are trying to bring the excitement back to messaging. Users are bored with the usual features that every platform offers – picture and video sharing, chat, voice messages and photo filters. We are confident that iPhone users will love voxies and will use them extensively to interact with their friends.”
The app can be downloaded from here.