
Vodafone target enterprise IoT space with SuperIoT solutions

Soma Tah
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BANGALORE, INDIA: To enable enterprises’ IoT adoption,Vodafone launches SuperIoT which enables end-to-end management of device, application, connectivity, service platform, support and security. SuperIoT comprises IoT solutions like Vehicle Tracking, Asset Tracking (Fixed and Mobile) and People Tracking (School Students and Employees).


With SuperIoT, enterprises can benefit from rapid application development, device management and analytics with the Application Enablement platform. They can also have better manageability and control of their assets through Managed Connectivity.

Nick Gliddon, Director, Vodafone Business Services said, “Vodafone has worked closely with enterprises across various sectors like automotive, utilities, manufacturing, banking and logistics on their IoT deployments. We understood the need for an end-to-end, secure solution and with the launch of SuperIoT enterprises will be able to free themselves from the complexities and hassles of the IoT deployment process. This will be able to focus on business outcomes and accelerate their digital transformation by truly harnessing the power of IoT, driving innovation and growth.”

Although enterprises are aware of the benefits that IoT can bring to their business, but they face a host of problems when it comes to identifying and deploying the right IoT solution –the marketplace is complex and filled with multiple vendors and multiple platforms. Even if they are able to conduct a pilot, they face challenges with scaling for production.


SuperIoT enables faster time-to-market, while generating timely business insights in a managed service model that lets enterprises focus on their core business areas.

Vodafone SuperIoT includes:

Vehicle Tracking: A cost-effective, end-to-end solution that allows customers to have real-time visibility of their fleet, monitor vehicle condition, receive alerts about faulty vehicles, reduce unplanned vehicle downtime and help maintain asset value, thus reducing overall operational costs, ensuring safety and improving customer satisfaction.


Mobile Asset Tracking: With this solution, customers can completely transform their supply chain and logistics operations, and deliver goods faster with more operational efficiency. It enables them to track the location and status of their assets, be it healthcare equipment, building materials, construction equipment, etc. thus enabling effective management of business.

Fixed Asset Tracking:

Sales Generating assets : Transforming mere sales-generating assets into smart, connected assets which capture important data (such as location alerts, motion detection, operational status, estimated stock levels and usage, etc.) and deliver useful business insights for decision making and overall operations.


Diesel Generator (Energy monitoring) : A diesel generator monitoring solution that enables you to monitor the total diesel consumption, energy output, load and kWh/litre ratio and much more, to improve the performance of generator, while reducing cost.

People Tracking:

Employee Safety: A set of smart solutions which offers safety of employees in and out of the workplace, by combining RFID + GPS + GPRS enabled ID cards and wearables along with emergency call facilities to a central Emergency Response Team.


Student Safety Solution for Schools: Helping parents, school authorities and school bus transport managers keep track of their school children’s location through RFID + GPS + GPRS enabled ID cards and bus & campus readers, integrated with vehicle tracking and camera facilities.

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