
Venture Infotech to launch smart card in Pune

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

Rashida Bakaith


MUMBAI: The Mumbai-based Venture Infotek is all set to introduce the smart

card concept in nearly 4,000 shops in Pune. The installation of these terminals

will enable big and small shops to have cash-less transactions.

Elaborating on the project, Venture Infotek’s managing director Anil Sinha

said Pune has about 1,500 terminals for these smart cards. Venutre Infotek is

hoping to extend this to the banking sector and has already come up with Rs 4.15

crore project for the same. In this respect, the firm plans to install

additional terminals in 14 to 15 local banks.

We will be focusing on 14-15 main banks in Pune and will be assisting them in

setting up the facility. This facility will carry the complete profile of the

user and will be multifunctional characteristics as it can be used as a debit or

credit card, he said.


This apart, the firm is also focusing on Pune’s merchants by its proposed

launch of smart card called ‘Anmol’. The concept will be launched in

twenty-one cities, where the firm has a presence. The terminals and the cards

will be provided to them at concessional rates, he said.

The firm which is providing complete card processing services to several

banks in the country, boasts of a nationwide infrastructure, serving over 15,000

merchants located across 187 cities and towns. Venture Infotek is also

registered with Visa, Master Card international and American Express.
