
Validating user input in JSF web apps

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Kunal Jaggi


User input validation is an important part of any Web application's navigation flow. There are two peculiar tasks that every Web application performs-check that all required form fields are filled in and in case of any malformed or erroneous data from the user, redisplay the form with proper error messages.

Using vanilla servlets and JSP pages to counter malformed user input can be cumbersome and difficult to maintain. On the other hand is JSF that provides a standard conversion, validation, and messaging framework to validate user input. In this article, we'll go the JSF way and roll out a JSF framework-based custom validator.

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Applies To: Java EE developers

USP: Roll custom validators in JSF Web applications

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On CD: PCQ Professionalsystem\labs

JSF validation approaches

JSF offers rich support for validating user input. Broadly, JSF supports automatic and custom validations. For example, to enable length validation for an HTML input text, f:validateLength should be added as a child to h:inputText tag. Further, you can also validate via automatic 'type conversion'. JSF's type conversion is very similar to JavaBean's tag, the bean properties are defined with primitive types such as int, short, long, etc. In case, there's a conversion error, form is redisplayed. You can also add the required attribute to any input element to indicate that empty values are errors.

For trivial applications, automatic JSF conversion and validation is sufficient to validate user input. Further, you can roll custom validation techniques for more demanding scenarios. JSF also provides nifty procedures to avoid displaying verbose messages by changing the default validator messages.


Using custom validator

With a custom validator, we can make sure that the user input is correct and any malformed data entered by the user results in redisplaying the form. As an

illustration, we'll roll a simple newsletter subscription application wherein we'll ask the user to enter her first name, last name and e-mail address.

The navigation flow of your applicatrion looks like this and using the MyEclipse IDE, you can visually edit the faces-config.xml file

We'll write a custom validator that will validate whether the e-mail address entered by the user is valid. In case of any erroneous data, a Validator Exception, which wraps a FacesMessage will be thrown. Consider the following JSF managed bean class, which forms the model component of our application. Also note that considering the length of all code, we have not given all of it here. You can find it on this month's PCQ Professional CD.

package com.pcquest.medtracker;

import javax.faces.context.*;

import javax.faces.component.*;

import javax.faces.validator.*;

import javax.faces.application.*;

public final class NewsletterSubscriptionBean {

private String mailID;

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

public NewsletterSubscriptionBean() {




public String getMailID() {

return mailID;


public void setMailID(String mailID) {

this.mailID = mailID;


public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;



public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

this.firstName = firstName;


public String getLastName() {

return lastName;


public void setLastName(String lastName) {

this.lastName = lastName;


public void validateMailId(FacesContext context,

UIComponent componentToValidate,

Object value)

throws ValidatorException {

String mailID= value.toString();


if (mailID.indexOf("@")==-1) {

FacesMessage message =

new FacesMessage("Invalid Mail ID, pls. try again!");

throw new ValidatorException(message);



public String subscribeUser() {

return "success";



Leftmost: Malformed user input; center: Erroneous data entered by the user; Right: Successful registration

The NewsletterSubscriptionBean. validateMailId() method is used as a custom validator to validate the user's e-mail address. This method accepts three arguments: FacesContext- the context implementation, UIComponent- this identifies the component being validated, and Object- the submitted value. In case the user entered a wrong e-mail address, this methods wraps a FacesMessage in a ValidatorException object which is then propagated. Note that the return type of the validateMailId() method is void; this method does nothing if the validation suceeds.

Triggeting custom validation

A custom validator method is triggered by a JSP page through JSF Expression Language or EL. For example, consider the following code fragment, which presents a JSP view page that accepts user's inputs and puts our validator in action (for brevity, not all code lines are shown here).





Notice the 'required' attribute of the inputText tag above. Utilizing the required attribute is a form of default validation. If the attribute is 'true', the corresponding component must have a value.

In case the required attribute is 'false' and no validation has been assigned to the tag/component, JSF will skip validation for this component and leave the value and component state unchanged. For the UI component to delegate the validation task to a custom validator, you must specify the method name explicitly using JSF EL syntax- #{ManagedBean.someValidatorMethod}.

For example, the above code fragment uses #{NewsletterSubscriptionBean.validateMailId} to trigger our custom validator. Further, you also need to display a descriptive message in case the user enters an invalid mail address, and the tag does the same.

Defining the navigation rule

Now that we have created our model and view components, the only thing left for us to do is hook them together with proper navigation cases. We'll use the MyEclipse IDE for visual editing the 'faces-config.xml' artifact.

Running the application

We'll use MyEclipse to deploy our application to Tomcat 5 and then launch the server. Point your Web browser to http://localhost:8080/pcquest/subscribe.faces. The browser output for the same looks as shown below. Note that we are using the 'Faces Servlet' as the controller component of our application; all user requests ending matching *.faces extension are routed through this front controller servlet. In the center is the form when the user enters an invalid mail address. Note that the form is redisplayed with previously entered values and an appropriate warning message is rendered.

Finally, we'll see our navigation rules kick in as we are validated and directed to the success.jsp page where the user name is displayed (the rightmost screen).


From its inception, JSF was designed to support validation rules on a field-by-field basis. In JSF, components perform syntactic validation typically during the conversion from a request parameter string value to the native type of the business data property bound to the component.

For complex business rules, you can develop custom validators.

Source: PCQuest
