
Twitter's first designer Vítor bids adieu

Supriya Rai
New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: World's most famous microblogging site, Twitter, is letting go its first designer, Vítor Lourenço.


On Tuesday, Lourenço chose the platform he digitally designed to make public to the world his decision to move on. "So... It's time for me to leave Twitter. It's been an amazing five years. Thanks for taking a chance on me, @Ev," (sic) he tweeted from his hashtag, @vl.

So, who is @Ev? It is Ev Williams, one of the founders of Twitter, who promptly replied and duly credited the designer for his work in making the social media platform what it is today. "@vl Your contributions were immense. Thanks for all you did to move Twitter forward in a beautiful way. Good luck on what's next." (sic)

But, what's next couldn't be gleaned much from Lourenço's updated bio info, which read: I was the first designer at Twitter, where over 5 years, I helped change the way people communicate. Now figuring out what's next.


Meanwhile, the San Francisco-based designer hinted on Twitter that he would take a brief sabbatical before taking up the next project. "I'll take some time off, and hack on a few bad ideas...," one of his Tweets had this message.

If you want to know more on the designer, you can do so by checking his personal website,

As of now, Twitter has over 1,000 designers, engineers and other employees across the globe. Some big names that left the organization in the past include Jacob Thornton, Mark McBrid and Mark Otto.

It remains to be seen whether Lourenço would launch his own design studio or join some other organization.
