
Tweak the idea and apply

CIOL Bureau
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Has the connection between business and technology improved over the last few years?
Yes. Today, there is an alignment between the two functions. Unless both are aligned, organizational goals can not be achieved. Until the IT strategy is aligned with organizational strategy, there’s no real use of IT. More so, when a business has to scale up, or go ahead on current and future planning milestones, IT has to sync in. Both are inseparable.
So much is said and urged when it comes to the business side of an enterprise, on how IT should be given its due. Do you think efforts are called for from the IT side as well?
Why not? IT has to be more proactive in getting to know the business processes. It has to know the current and future business process so that it is in a better position to deliver.
Has the concept, scope and effectiveness of internal IT department undergone any change, specially in India?
Today it may not be a department packed with all the enterprise, but it is considerable enough to take a decision. It should be a good mix of technical and business skills. Some technologically experienced resources, and some business resources with a tech-background, make a very good team.
Is there enough best-practice sharing happening among Indian CIOs to allow them to equip themselves better by just sharing lessons and mistakes from each other?
I would say that the Indian CIO community has a fair level of knowledge sharing. We are lucky to have forums like CIOL and others and that we can come together across verticals to share and learn.
If there’s anything you can share with your peers, what would that caveat or trick be?
I would just say that it’s not always necessary to apply a good model or a best-practice as such. Even if it is something happening in another, completely non-connected vertical or industry, but is remarkable enough, one can tweak the idea and apply on his own vertical. The basic concept can always be developed upon and that’s where real innovation lies. Copying is not always the requisite.
How is the Fertilizer industry shaping up on the adoption and relevance of IT?
This sector is witnessing a lot of opening up, which is a big change from the traditional, tightly regulated environment. As the Government frees up market forces, in months to come, the industry would enter a new environment altogether. Scaling up or squeezing the maximum out of high capex initiatives, there would be a lot for IT to help in.
Is the industry still afflicted with the cut-copy-paste approach of international vendors hawking their products in India?
Cut-copy-paste is a fact, because ERP is still not mature. The vendor tries to implement a template. Often, there is no prior engagement of the customer, but usually the other way around. This is because vendors lack understanding of business processes and knowledge. And a big slice of blame should go onto the consipicuous lack of knowledge when it comes to ERP consultants that vendors employ. These consultants should have five to six years of domain experience.
What is the next level of IT looking like at your company?
We are working at wireless mobility, Web 2.0, mash-ups, CDMA deployment in rural pockets etc, We want to get more and more of our field associates into the IT integration.