
Treading the path of Digital Enterprise Transformation

Digital Enterprise Transformation (DET) Summit, 2015 was held yesterday at Le Meridian, New Delhi.

Preeti Gaur
New Update

Digital Enterprise Transformation (DET) Summit, 2015 was held yesterday at Le Meridian, New Delhi. Some of India’s finest analysts, CIOs and CXOs graced the event organized by Frost & Sullivan. Connecting the dots on the Digital Enterprise Transformation Formula and Strategy, Mukul Krishna, Sr. Director, Digital Media, Frost & Sullivan presented the trends in Digital Enterprise Transformation in the Indian context.


He said, “India has a special position, as it has the desired environment for Digital Transformation. Be it infrastructure, be it the required workforce talent, be it the market scenario, India has the entire ecosystem that can drive Digital Transformation for enterprises.”

digital-enterprise-transformation Mukul Krishna, Sr. Director, Digital Media, Frost & Sullivan


The Indian Manufacturing and the Automotive sectors are on the growth path for Digital Transformation with maximum adoption for IoT. The Retail sector is lagging behind due to security concerns from the end users. While making the transaction, the customer still feels ‘Is my information safe?’ Though many new connected devices are proliferating in the market, the Healthcare sector lags in the IoT adoption. The reason, primarily being the Data Security. The Banking and Finance also work in a siloed and disparate manner. There is lack of integration and users still wish for a seamless experience across all the devices and channels.

Krishna stated that enterprises have to move strategically in order to leverage the benefits of Big Data for Digital Transformation. The following are the four pillars of an effective Big Data Strategy.

  1. Content Discovery & Management
  2. Digital Intelligence & Analytics
  3. Storage
  4. User Experience

Ubiquitous networks & device proliferation enable access to a massive and growing amount of traditionally siloed information, which is nothing else but Big Data. Following are the end-user challenges that must be addressed in order to make sense out of Big Data:

  • Siloed & Disparate systems
  • Lack of collaboration
  • Multiple media formats
  • Lack of interoperability
  • Long cycle terms
  • Technology Ownership
  • Emerging business models
  • Integration nightmares

It is imperative for enterprises to be proactive to their customers. In order to do that CIOs and CXOs will have to invest on the following areas in the next three years.

  1. Content Management
  2. Content Protection
  3. Content Transformation
  4. Content Monetization

The digital transformation is a continuous process for enterprises that involves creating, managing, delivering, personalizing and optimizing services for the customers.

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