
The Web within

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

Shashwat Chaturvedi


MAJORDA BEACH (Goa): If Day 1 and Day 2 at the CIOL C-Change event were meant for discussion on technology, market segregation and globalization, Day 3 was a day that witnessed a whole lot of discussion about the online world and how companies could make use of all the tools that were currently available.

The final day ended with a keynote session by Shyam Malhotra, chief editor, CyberMedia, on how to use the power of the web within the organization.

He compared the trends that are currently on display on the online marketplace and how companies can map them within their own organizations.


“One needs to look at building a virtual organization that is completely robust and transparent, inside out,” he said.

Citing a research study, Malhotra pointed out that the expectations for the CIOs had undergone complete change over the past few years.

“Now quite a significant portion of the respondents believe that the CIO is also responsible for generation of revenues and business innovation,” he added.


Talking about the issue of collaboration, Malhotra talked about how companies can use the tools and applications that are currently available for increasing productivity within the organization.

“Today collaboration is not only about you and your co-workers but also members of the dispersed virtual work teams, salespeople, distributors, retailers, suppliers, customers and many else. In such complex situation, applications like blogs or wikis can be effectively used,” he said.

There are quite many challenges that companies might face when they bring social networking aspects within the organizations, namely, there is a shift of power as greater transparency comes within the company.

“Can we use the power of many,” he asked the assembled CIOs. “Creating a virtual organization is not a simple thing and needs imagination. There is no common prescription for everyone.”

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