It seems like only yesterday that only afew people in the neighborhood had theprivilege of owning a landline phone. To-day, mobile phones are commodity items,and everyone in the family has one and pro-fessionals use them for productivity on themove. PCs used to cost lacs of rupees, andwere therefore affordable to only a few largeenterprises.
Today, we're talking about enter-ing the post-PC era, with the onslaught of somany mobile devices. It wasn't long ago that Internet browsing was done from a black andwhite command line interface by geeks, andtoday, everybody and their cousins are onFacebook, Twitter, etc, creating a huge marketworth tapping.
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Not long ago, two wheelers were bookedwell in advance, and delivered several yearslater if you were lucky. Today, you can get a 3Dview of a vehicle online, compare multiplebrands, and simply walk upto any showroomto pick up what you like. The same goes forany product or service.
Technology has improved production cy-cles, reduced cost, and enhanced customerexperience, all without compromising onquality. It has indeed brought a sea of changeto our lives. So much so that it's difficult toimagine how we ever managed without it!
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