
Techies on bicycles chant green mantra

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

CHENNAI, INDIA: For Quintegra Solutions, even an employee motivation programme is part of its pro-environment campaign. Instead of taking its employees to any picnic spot, the city-based IT services company Saturday arranged a 20-km cycle ride as a day-out programme.


At 7 a.m. more than 70 employees of Quintegra assembled near the East Coast Road (ECR) toll plaza here.

On the roadside, 75 cycles were lined up by TI Cycles, the cycles division of the city-based Tube Investments of India Ltd, which organised the event.

"We declare one day in a week as no vehicles day. Employees are expected to reach office using public transport or any other mode but not fuel-powered personal vehicles," said Sriram Narasimhan, senior vice president (human resources) of Quintegra.


For many Quintegra employees accustomed to sitting before the computers and commuting in their own vehicles, the cycle ride initially seemed to be a strenuous exercise.

"The last time I rode a cycle was eight years ago," said Nirmala, an employee.

However, riding Hercules mountain terrain bikes and BSA racer bikes the employees happily pedalled their way enjoying the scenic view of the Bay of Bengal, farm houses and the casurina plantations.


After a one-and-a-half hour ride, the employees reached the destination - Hotel Shelters Resorts.

"It is really nice to have participated in this trip. Cycling to office is not a bad idea after all," a participant said.

Meanwhile, TI officials said the company was planning to conduct such events more regularly and extend beyond Chennai to places like New Delhi, Mumbai and Nashik to promote bicycles.


Source: Agencies