
Sun Microsystems releases JavaFX

CIOL Bureau
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SANTA CLARA, USA: Sun Microsystems, Inc. has announced the availability of the JavaFX Preview release.


The JavaFX Preview release provides web scripters, designers and Java developers with a preview of the runtime and tools needed to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA) on the Java platform.

JavaFX is the rich client platform for building RIA and content across all the screens of your life (PC, mobile, TV and other consumer devices). JavaFX can allow developers to quickly and easily build high-impact, immersive RIAs that combine 2D and 3D graphics, high fidelity audio and video, and animation, all while leveraging the power and functionality of the existing Java platform.

"With this announcement, Sun is delivering on the commitment it made in May at JavaOne to deliver a preview of JavaFX to the RIA community," said Ken Wallich, VP of JavaFX at Sun.


All you wanted to know about JavaFX

He added: "Only the Java platform is pervasive enough to allow developers to build and deploy RIAs across desktops and browsers on more than 800 million PCs, as well as billions of mobile phones and devices. JavaFX builds upon this foundation to deliver immersive and rich presentation capabilities to the existing Java platform."

The JavaFX Preview release is designed to help early adopters become familiar with JavaFX and is not yet being offered for commercial applications. The JavaFX Preview release consists of the following components:


    * JavaFX Preview SDK: Provides the JavaFX compiler and runtime tools, 2D graphics and media libraries to create highly interactive applications for desktop and browser, as well as tutorials, API documentation and sample code.
    * NetBeans 6.1 IDE with integrated JavaFX plug-in: Provides a sophisticated development environment to build, preview, and debug JavaFX applications.
    * Project Nile: An easy to use tool that exports creative assets from Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to JavaFX applications.
    * Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 10 Beta: Delivers a high performance runtime with a new browser plug-in that provides the ability to drag a live running applet out of a web browser and dynamically transform it into an application running on the desktop.

Developers can download the JavaFX Preview release, explore the code samples and tutorials, start writing JavaFX applications and provide their feedback to Sun.

