
Student only career fair to be part of GHCI Conference 2013

New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: The Student Only Career Fair will be one of the highlights at the 4th Annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing India(GHCI) Conference 2013, which will take place at the Lalit Ashok Hotel-Bangalore, from November 13-15, 2013.


The Anita Borg Institute (ABI) and the Association of Computing Machinery India (ACM India) presents the conference every year. It is the largest technical conference for women in computing and results in networking and mentoring for junior women, collaborative proposals and increased visibility for the contributions of women in computing.

All students attending the conference will be given the opportunity to attend the fair and interact with representatives from companies like Google, Cisco, Microsoft, NetApp, Amazon and more. They will also be able to get expert advise and dicsuss various jobs and internships opportunites in their companies and network with other peers in the industry, as well as get feedback on their resume from various companies' representatives and academic professionals.

Geetha Kannan, India Head- Anita Borg Institute said: "The objective of this exclusive fair is to provide an academic, social, and pre-professional network to the students interested in computer science and related fields and a platform to interact and get a foothold in the industry with the names that matters."


