
6 strategies in 2014 to help small businesses grow and thrive

New Update

CHANDLER, USA: Learn six small business growth strategies to go from surviving to thriving in 2014 shared by Infusionsoft CEO and co-founder, Clate Mask. In his latest blog post on the Infusionsoft blog, Mask shares six strategies every small business should keep in mind as they start the New Year.


Strategies to grow your small business in 2014 and beyond:

Passion - If you're finding your passion beaten and bruised over the past few years of the Great Recession, 2014 is the year to reignite it.

Invest time away from your business - Get out of the day-to-day tasks of running your business so you can actually work on your business.


Hire and fire guided by your purpose, values and mission - Make sure your team is aligned with what your company stands for. If someone is out of alignment, let them go and hire someone who believes in your purpose, values and mission.

Invest in your marketing - Marketing should be the first thing you pay every month. Don't skimp on marketing or your business will fail.

Boost your email marketing - Invest in smart email marketing as this is still one of the most effective means of reaching new and existing customers.

Focus on current customers - Continue nurturing and building upon relationships that you have established because it's much cheaper to sell to existing customers than it is to find new ones.