
Startup Circle: What distinguishes ET MediaLabs from other Digital Marketing Agencies?

Laxitha Mundhra
New Update
Startup Circle: What distinguishes ET MediaLabs from other Digital Marketing Agencies?

ET Medialabs is one of the leading Digital Marketing Agency in India. While the world was still talking about Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing, they explored a business with relatively few competitors. Today, the leadership at ET Medialabs consists of seasoned professionals from the IITs and IIMs. These people have 10 plus years of experience and a unique set of skills knit together by a client-focused approach and sharpened by years of experience in the industry.


Thus, in conversation with the VP, Digital Strategy and Analytics, Mr Lalit Panigrahi, CiOL gets to know about how the company is one of the leading DM Agencies in India.

1. What is ET Medialabs about? Tell us about the team.

We are data-driven growth hackers and marketers. Our services entail performance marketing and branding, enterprise SEO, and business intelligence for digital marketing.


2. How did you come up with the idea?

In 2013, when we started, the digital marketing ecosystem was at a very nascent stage. We saw huge opportunities in data-driven marketing. Then, all digital agencies were owned by creative and communication background people. So, we were inspired to provide a data focussed digital marketing experience to our clients. A new approach towards digital marketing helped us in achieving a better growth relative to our competitors.

3. What sets you apart from your competitors?


People - Alumni of Tier-I Colleges- IIMs, IITs, MICA, NIFT, etc. This helps us ensure our strategy is strongly data-driven with the right blend of design aspects

Process - Stringent processes and audit framework to ensure top-notch quality of services for every customer. For example, we audit each account every quarter internally. This ensures that even if something has been missed by the client servicing team (which is highly unlikely in the first place), it's rectified in a timely manner without much impact.

TechnologyAdbytzz: In-house tool for Ad uploading, Audience research, Creative analysis, UTM tagging, Automation to run big scale ad campaigns. Easyinsights: Custom SaaS for real-time, monitoring, reporting, dashboarding and deep analyses. We set-up entire business intelligence for digital marketers via this product


4. What is your business/market growth?

The market has grown 30-50% YoY in the last 5 years. We have achieved 50-100% YoY growth for the last 5 years.

5. The pandemic has affected every sector. How are you coping?


The pandemic, in fact, has given a boost to the digital economy, which we expect will give us a positive growth in the long run.

6. Who are your consumers?

We have Business consumers like those from e-commerce and lead generation sites and apps. We also have industry consumers from Fashion, Education, Finance, Health, Utility services, Real Estate, etc.


7. What are your Post-COVID plans?

Post-COVID lot of traditional businesses are looking to shift their marketing campaigns online. Thus, we have developed a specialised solution for traditional brands that want to focus on creating deep funnels using digital marketing. Our experience working with funded startups that we have scaled efficiently and quickly has helped us in developing this solution.
