
Spectrum bets on India with SpectrumSCM

CIOL Bureau
New Update

BANGALORE: Spectrum Software, a software services and product company based

out of Atlanta, has recently ventured into product development and plans to

enter the Indian market. A national distributor has been identified and will

help the company market the products in the Indian subcontinent.


The decade old software services company’s, president, Sarathi Srinivasan

said, "The company started to develop products, and software services was

the best source of raising funds for it. Being in the software service helped us

understand the problems faced by each and every software service professional

which encouraged to develop products for this community."

Thus evolved SpectrumSCM, source code management product. The product

features version control, process control or management, release management,

branching, issue tracking, apart from the regular features of a SCM tool. The

product was launched in US in June this year.

On the Indian market, Srinivasan stated, "Our product is for the

software services community and which other market could be better that the

Indian market that is one of the largest software services industry in this part

of the world. We hope to sell 1000 copies of SCM in this fiscal and end up

selling one million copies a year by the end of its third year in the

country." The company’s second product, SpectrumMAPS, a decision support

tool is to be released early next year.


The company is also strategically associated with Mphasis BFL for outsourcing

its software services as an offshore development center. Spectrum, with the

launch of its product, has formed three core division, product, multimedia

(three CBT titles have been developed for the kids) and services. A long-term

plan also includes to hive off the product division as a separate entity. It is

also looking out for strategic investor for the company.
