
Social media cell for Maneka Gandhi’s ministry

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL Social Media Cell for ManekaGandhi’s Ministry

Indian PM, Narendra Modi knows the knack of connecting with masses and so does his government. And there cannot be a bigger and better platform than social media to do that. Making further inroads into digital landscape, Maneka Gandhi led Ministry of Women and Child Development has set up a "social media cell" to create awareness and inform people on the projects initiated by it.


The ministry recently ran advertisements in newspapers and on the ministry's website, inviting people with "relevant experience" to lead the cell. A total of 79 responded to the advertisement, according to ET.

Of these, around 18 were shortlisted and after interview of the candidates by Gandhi and two other officials of the ministry, four stand selected.

The candidates were made to field a volley of questions which tested their interest and knowledge about social media. Besides their academic qualification, they were quizzed about the "strategy" they will deploy in increasing the presence of the ministry on social networking sites, especially Twitter.


The final four that also includes a woman from Harvard were also questioned on how they would tackle "negative campaign" against the Ministry including trolls and adverse remarks against.
