
SkyQuestCom's software engineering power pack

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: Billed as an “innovative, skills-enhancing learning product”, the Software Engineering Power Pack will be available exclusively in India.


What makes the Power Pack unique is that it offers a comprehensive collection of online tutorials that cover subjects in line with India's IT curriculum and latest software training courses. With unlimited access to over 30,000 videos covering nearly every computer topic imaginable, it’s akin to being personally coached round the clock by the world's top IT experts and multimedia consultants.

Stephen T. Chacko, country general manager said, “The possibilities of learning on the Internet have become infinite and anyone can enjoy a quality education at their own time and pace. You don't have to wait for expert help to arrive in order to get answers.”

Just imagine hooking up to the Internet and you can start brushing up on your programming and multimedia skills, such as C Programming and Flash Scripting, in as quickly as under an hour.


Compared to what people have been spending on education and personal development, SkyQuestCom helps you save an enormous amount of money, and since there is a 10-day money-back guarantee, there's nothing to lose, added the report.
