
Accenture in India’s innovative use of 5G for digital transformation of businesses

Shilpa Malaiya Singhai delves into the innovative application of 5G technology for driving digital transformation in business evolution.

Manisha Sharma
New Update
5G Technology 1

In the past year, India has experienced the most rapid deployment of 5G and a remarkable emphasis on fostering incubation and innovation by establishing 100 5G labs nationwide. The spotlight is now on another chapter of growth in the realm of 5G – Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). While advancements in innovation and infrastructure modernization are expected to unlock many transformative 5G applications for consumers and enterprises, FWA stands out as a promising avenue for 5G monetization and more.


We have engaged with Shilpa Malaiya Singhai, MD – Communications, Media and Technology, Accenture in India, to discuss Accenture in India’s forward-thinking strategies. She delves into the innovative application of 5G technology for driving digital transformation in business evolution. Accenture in India’s approach to harnessing the capabilities of 5G reflects a commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, paving the way for enhanced connectivity, efficiency, and transformative changes across various i sectors. Singhai’s examination sheds light on the pivotal role that 5G plays in shaping the future of business landscapes, illustrating how it serves as a catalyst for accelerated growth and agility in the rapidly evolving digital era.

Read the detailed interaction with Shilpa Malaiya Singhai, MD – Communications, Media and Technology, Accenture in India.

How is Accenture leveraging 5G technology to drive digital transformation for businesses?


Accenture is at the forefront of digitalization, and it’s not just a general trend; it’s the specific demand for digital transformation that increasingly necessitates the deployment of 5G. This transformation relies on a low-latency, high-speed network, a requirement that Accenture is actively addressing. We are actively engaging with various businesses to meet their diverse requirements and address multiple use cases relevant to 5G.

Our involvement extends to various industries, including mining, where we are actively leveraging 5G technologies. We are also collaborating extensively with companies worldwide to implement 5G solutions. Our focus isn’t limited to specific sectors; we are actively contributing to advancements in gaming, sports, media, and even education. The applications of 5G are vast and diverse, and Accenture is playing a significant role in realizing the potential of this technology.

What are the themes that Accenture sees as benefiting the most from 5G?


Yes, there are several examples. Let me highlight some game-changing industry examples, We work with a large game development group and operate a studio lab, AR Studio, which has completely transformed how pre-production, post-production, and overall content generation occur. Essentially, it’s a platform that integrates photogrammetry and an immersive collaborative platform for content creation. You no longer need to go to the studio or my location. By inputting a few pictures of a specific location, the platform itself creates 3D models for visualizing storytelling. This has significantly reduced costs and provided new avenues for creativity. You can now reimagine and refine elements while still finalizing the story.

How does Accenture support clients in building 5G and using the application to stay connected?

We are a highly focused industry-based group, and we evaluate our performance through key business metrics such as revenue and cost. Among these metrics, some of the most important decisions are driven by digital transformation, which becomes a factor in driving 5G use cases. To illustrate, let’s consider the mining industry. When we initiated transformation efforts within a mining company, there came a point where approximately 20 to 25 use cases emerged, and few of them became part of the larger digital transformation program. So, our take at Accenture was to build some of these use cases based on merit, focusing on advancing the transformation capabilities for the next generation.


Are there any partnerships or collaborations for 5G?

We have several examples from around the world of collaboration across multiple ecosystem partners. We collaborate with hyperscalers, and telecom providers, and also engage in numerous collaborations where startup leaders and the innovation ecosystem come together in various ways with Accenture. We are all looking forward to an inflection point where 5G truly takes off.

The investments being assembled by the entire global value chain involved in 5G are now poised to reap some of the benefits of this new technology. Accenture plays a crucial role across the value chain for numerous players, and the convergence of many of these players should indeed facilitate the implementation of 5G.



In conclusion, Shilpa Malaiya Singhai’s exploration of Accenture in India’s utilization of 5G technology paints a vivid picture of the company’s dedication to driving digital transformation and ushering in a new era of business evolution. The innovative strategies employed by Accenture in India underscore the profound impact that 5G can have on reshaping industries, fostering heightened connectivity, and fueling unprecedented efficiency.