
SEMI India names new president

CIOL Bureau
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New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: SEMI recently announced the appointment of Debasish Paul Choudhury as SEMI India’s new president.


Choudhury will assume full responsibility for SEMI’s operations in India from January 15, 2011, and will succeed Sathya Prasad who has led SEMI India since its inception and will continue to participate in an advisory role through the transition, said a press release.

Announcing Choudhury as SEMI India’s new president, Stanley Myers, president and CEO of SEMI said, “With a rapidly developing solar PV supply chain, a growing global role in semiconductor development and consumption and a promising future in emerging high growth markets such as high brightness LEDs, Debasish Choudhury will bring valuable industry experience that will be a tremendous asset for Indian industry and SEMI members.”

Accepting his position, Choudhury said, “It is an honor to take on the role of president of SEMI India at a juncture when the Industry is seeing tremendous growth and numerous new entrants. As a leading global industry body in this space, we look forward to playing a key role as an enabler of the Indian solar/PV industry and in its growth story.”


Congratulating India’s solar/PV community on the progress made, Sathya Prasad said, “We are looking forward to an exciting 2011 with much activity and momentum in evidence on the solar/PV front in India. As SEMI enters its third year of operations in India, SEMI India will continue its efforts to promote the Indian solar industry and its interests in the directions that SEMI works in globally - advancing technical standards, environment, health & safety (EHS) practices, organizing best in class trade shows and industry events, advocacy support and related market data and research.”

In his new role, Debasish Choudhury will oversee and further expand SEMI India’s programmes, committees, products and services in India, and strengthen relationships with SEMI members as well as industry, government, academia and other local associations. Additionally, Choudhury will support SEMI members from across regions interested in SOLARCON India and the region’s PV manufacturing supply chain.

Debasish Choudhury brings over 16 years of management, industry information and exposition planning experience to SEMI. He previously served as country manager and regional editor for Trafalgar Publications, responsible for the Southeast Asia editions of Global SMT and Packaging magazine and Global Solar Technology Magazine.
