
"Security - less about technology, more about processes"

CIOL Bureau
New Update

BANGALORE: Many would scoff at the idea of the Redmond based software giant,

Microsoft, talking seriously about security and trying to advice customers on

the strategy that has to be built to ensure better levels of the same.

But for

Steve Riley, Product Manager, Security Business Unit and Dave Glover, Developer

Evangelist, Microsoft-Australia, its all part of the game. In India for the

first time to talk about the Unit's products and reach out to enterprises to

educate them on security strategy, the duo spoke with Sathya Mithra Ashok on

the Unit's functions and how Microsoft aims to change its perception on

security among enterprises.




was the Security Business Unit formed and what does its functions include

The Unit was formed nearly three years ago. It was

formed to address some of the growing security issues within enterprises. Most

enterprises, which were having security problems, found it easy to blame the

technology alone. But that is not true. Security is less about technology and

more about the processes and people built up in the enterprise. In fact, if

enterprises concentrate on building the right processes and inculcate the right

people, they would find that they might not need all the additional blocking

mechanisms that many of them invest in regularly.

This attention to process must stem from basis

co-ordination between application development and operations, which will be
using the application. Teaching the basics of security to everybody in the organization

involved with IT is essential. It's also important to know and trust the people

who are involved in IT to a large extent, like your system administrators.

Most security threats for enterprises come from the

inside. There is always a human element to security and the person on the
inside already knows everything about the organization and therefore has much

less to do to harm it. Security is not about he brand, but about systems

management. Part of the fault lies with us too, in that we had not taken the

initiative to educate enterprises more proactively. The Unit aims to remedy


There are around 1000 people in the Unit alone and

if you count in the extended people connected to the Unit it would be around
6000. Formerly, whatever number of products Microsoft had, that was the number

of ways of update implementation that there was. But now everything has to go

through the Unit and if the Unit finds that it lacks in security, it goes back

to development, even if there will be a delay in release. That is also part of

the Unit's functions.


Was the growing popularity of

open source operating systems part of the reason for the formation of the

Unit and the propagation of security as a process for Microsoft?

We are a competitive company. And there are a lot

of things we take into consideration. This would include IBM's initiatives,

Novell's work or open source as a whole. Therefore, open source, along with IBM

and Novell and other competitive initiatives would have been a consideration in

the formation of the Unit.

Are Indian

enterprises'outlook towards security the same as the world over?


We've been meeting CIOs and enterprise IT

representatives for over four days now in India. We find that everyone

acknowledges the importance of security but many of them don't understand how

to go about it. Also, many enterprises lack in properly skilled people to

handle their security. This is purely anecdotal but many of them we spoke to

opined that most trained people opted to work for the outsourced software service

providers rather than enterprises. And that situation is pretty unique to India

because there are not very many places where outsourcing is as big an activity

as here.

How much is revenue

generation a part of the Unit?


We are a for-profit company and its naïve to ignore

revenue-generating potentials of technology. Products associated with the Unit

generate most of the revenue and it comprises a really small part of the

overall revenues. Our products include the Internet Security and Acceleration

Server, Windows Rights Management Services and other products or patches

bundled with Windows and other MS products. But the fact is that revenues are

not as important as the idea of spreading the message of security as processes

and people oriented more than technology.

Microsoft has a huge

perception issue to battle in the area of security — the perception that

its software is open to more attacks than any other. How do you combat

that perception?


We talk to enterprises. We try to bring to light the fact that every

software has its vulnerabilities that can be exploited. We also point out to

them that with each upgrade of its various software offerings Microsoft has

steadily reduced the number of vulnerabilities in it. We demonstrate that it is

safe to keep even security within the Microsoft umbrella.

We also educate them on the fact that the software or technology cannot be

blamed all the time. That with proper processes and people in place, the
company would not need to have blocks in place to prevent exploitation of

vulnerabilities because the processes will ensure that there can be no


All of it boils down to customer satisfaction. If they are not satisfied,

they would look elsewhere. It's an uphill battle for Microsoft, but as long as
we can pass the message of security I think we have achieved quite a bit.
