
Satyam to introduce online payment gateway

CIOL Bureau
New Update

Satyam Online is planning to introduce an online

payment gateway within the next couple of months. Presently, for all

credit card transactions, manual checking is done. With the new facility,

an automatic monitoring of the credit card number and name can be

accomplished. "We do not undertake a cash-on-delivery system, because

it is not very reliable, so all Satyam Online transactions are credit

card-based," said Satyam Infoway Vice President Online Services Padma



Another feature to be introduced in the next few months is the `Build

your own store' facility, wherein, merchants can register online. The

company has introduced Microwave Popcorn. Books, CDs, audio cassettes,

Microsoft's Office 2000 software and Satyam Online Internet account are

some of the products available in the site.

SatyamOnline was also the first to introduce the Impression based

delivery system for online advertising, where the advertiser pays

according to the number of impressions of his advertisement that is served

up. This facility enables him to keep track of user sessions, which is the

number of users who have viewed the particular page, page views, which

measures the number of pages the user views and clickthroughs, which

calculates the number of times a particular ad is clicked on.

SatyamOnline's user sessions total up to 1.5 million/month and it's page

views 12.5 million/month, according to Ms. Chandrasekaran.

SatyamOnline's future plans include introducing online airline

reservations. Tie-ups with cable operators to provide Net through cable.

"We are conducting trials in Hyderabad currently- it should be

finalized in a few months," said Ms. Chandrasekaran.
