
Sam Altman Resumes OpenAI Helm in a Shocking Turnaround

Manisha Sharma
New Update
Sam Altman returns back to OpenAI

OpenAI has officially announced an agreement to reappoint Sam Altman as CEO and appoint new board members. This decision comes in response to the threatened mass dismissal of almost all employees, a reaction caused by Altman's unexpected dismissal.


OpenAI, the company behind the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT, has teamed up with former CEO Sam Altman to bring him back to the organization. The offer, which comes just five days after Altman's departure, ends the short tenure of Emmett Sher as CEO, who took over just two days ago.

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In a recent post on X, Sam Altman expressed his anticipation for his return to OpenAI. This marks the end of a turbulent weekend during which Altman initially intended to return to OpenAI but faced a setback when the board rejected his first attempt. He then agreed to join Microsoft, the financial backer of OpenAI, to lead a new research team. This decision came after former Twitch CEO Emmett Shear was appointed as interim CEO of OpenAI.

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In response to the news and in sharing Altman's post, Nadella expressed on X: We are encouraged by the changes to the OpenAI board. We believe this is the first essential step on a path to more stable, well-informed, and effective governance. Sam, Greg, and I have talked and agreed they have a key role to play along with the OAI leadership team in ensuring OAI continues to thrive and build on its mission. We look forward to building on our strong partnership and delivering the value of this next generation of AI to our customers and partners.

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Later, he shared a post on platform X ( Formerly known as Twitter) expressing gratitude to the dedicated employees of Microsoft and OpenAI for their efforts in advancing artificial intelligence safely. The Microsoft CEO also touched upon Altman's departure from OpenAI.

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Brockman, who resigned following Altman's removal, announced on X that he plans to "return to coding tonight."

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On Monday, nearly all of OpenAI's more than 700-member staff threatened to quit unless the board stepped down and reinstated Altman and Brockman, according to a letter reviewed by Reuters.



In a surprise move, Sam Altman has resumed leadership at OpenAI, reflecting his renewed commitment to his mission. This unexpected move represents a strategic shift and paves the way for the potential for innovation and a renewed focus on responsible AI development. The impact of Altman’s return on OpenAI’s trajectory remains to be seen, but the organization seems poised to go through a turbulent mess.