SWEDEN: Defence and security company Saab has received order from Brazilian Embraer Defense and Security on upgrade of the Erieye AEW&C Mission System.
The total order amounts to 380 MSEK.The contract is for the delivery of an upgrade of the existing Erieye AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) systems, as part of the modernization programme for the Embraer 145 AEW&C, named E-99 in the Brazilian Air Force. The E-99 is important within the Brazilian Air Force in the control of airspace and border surveillance and the upgrade will bring a substantial increased operational capability.
"Saab's Erieye AEW&C Mission system provides excellent surveillance capabilities and control over air and sea targets. We are very proud to supply these systems toBrazilwhere it plays an important role in national security," says Micael Johansson, head of Saab's business area Electronic Defence Systems.
The upgrade of the Erieye AEW&C Mission System will be delivered from 2014 until 2017, as a press release added.
Saab's Erieye AEW&C Mission System has been well received on the market. The first system forBrazilon the Embraer 145 became operational 2002. Erieye is also in operations on Embraer 145 inMexicoandGreece. The very first Erieye system was delivered in 1997 for aircraft model 340 for the Swedish Air Force. Customers of the Saab 340 system also includeThailandand the United Arab Emirate. Saab is also delivering Erieye toPakistan, installed on the Saab 2000 aircraft.