
Retail Industry is banking upon VTO to transform the shopping arena in India

CIOL Bureau
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Retail Industry

Virtual Try-On (VTO) technology is having an incredible moment in retail lately. Today, when COVID-19 pandemic has constrained everyone to stay indoors, online shopping has been blooming now more than ever. The competition for gaining the attention of consumers and driving purchasing decisions is fiercer than ever. So, brands are opting for new approaches and are leaving no stone unturned in attracting consumers and one such remarkable approach being the VTO in retail. VTO enables the consumers to try the products virtually to check themselves out how do they look in their favourite product.


To make a purchase decision it’s very important to see themselves how they look in their favourite products be itApparel, Shoe, Jewellery, eyewear etc. And VTO helps the consumers to check if the product matches their personality and fits them correctly or not. Today, around 55% of consumers are most likely to buy apparel and accessories online if there is a possibility of a virtual trying before actually buying. So how does it transform the whole online shopping experience?

VTO- The Future of Retail

Imagine you can Try-On clothes and accessories of your choice that fits you impeccably and all the while getting real-time recommendations from brands and perfectly matching accessories before you could actually swipe your card. All thanks go to the VTO technology. By looking at the COVID-19 landscape, there is a huge scope of VTO and its undoubtedly the future of Retail.


The transition from Fun to Utility:

Today, VTO is no more a new feature. It delivers remarkable and surprising experiences to the customers. From a fun feature to a potential feature making the whole buying experience of customers to the next level.

E-commerce sites are widely adopting this technology to bridge the gap between online and offline shopping


VTO with fitment and styling advisory

We all know that shopping online can lead to a bad experience, as there is always a difference between a product image versus seeing, feeling and trying the product and also there is a fitment issue. And at the same time, consumers are lost between the catalogue pages without comprehensive styling advisory. These days brands are looking for the VTO along with fitment and styling advisory to engage their customers.

VTO as a brand differentiator


At present, brands are spending millions of dollars on marketing and ad communication strategies to stand apart from the rest of their contenders. Yet at the same time, a multitude of brands get unnoticed in the ocean of digital content strategies flooding a consumer’s device and driving sales. So how do these brands cut through the noise and engage consumers to drive a real-world impact? It is surely by taking advantage of emerging technology and innovation like Augmented Reality (AR).VTO tool will have a great impact on the minds of the consumers, as it enables them to visualize themselves in their favourite pair of t-shirts or Googles. Here, it solves the problem of fitment and gives the right styling advisory as well.

VTO reduces return

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of augmented reality is the fact that it cuts back on returns. Every time there is a risk for a brand for losing money when customers return products. It can be for many reasons, be it the fit, colour or mismatch of the product from the image. Customers can strikingly see how something fits and looks on them before ever whipping out their credit card. VTO helps a customer develop a way more realistic expectation of what they receive to their doorstep. It results in an enormous drop in the rate of returns which will spare the time, money, energy of brands and better connection between brands and customer.


VTO increases sales

Enabling customers to see an item on themselves and thereby significantly increasing their confidence in buying has been one of the fundamental sales techniques. VTO too walks in a similar path by recreating the physical & traditional experience by the assistance of technology and adding convenience to the entire process. It’s bridging the gap between the offline retail shop and online shop.


Read MoreHow is Augmented Reality Redefining the Retail Industry?

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