CHENNAI, August 24: Ramco Systems has created RADAR, a
dedicated team of professionals to offer information security solutions
and services. RADAR helps customers evolve effective enterprise-wide
security policies by deploying a network security solution based on the
best available products and technologies. This is especially relevant in
the context of the 1999 CSI/FBI study which reported a dramatic increase
in information security breaches worldwide and an alarming 55% of hacking
has been reported to originate from the "inside". Organizations
like NASA and the Pentagon with "state of the art" access
control and authentication safeguards have been hacked.
Ramco has also forged alliances with the "Golden
Triangle" of the network security solution market: Check Point for
Firewalls, Internet Security Systems (ISS) for Adaptive Security
Management Solutions and Trend Micro for Anti Virus and Content Security
Solutions. CheckPoint specializes in providing "Secure Enterprise
Networking" based on Check Point's policy based Access Control,
Authentication, VPN, Traffic Control and IP Address Management solutions.
ISS provides automated scanning and security vulnerability assessment
technology for networks, systems and databases. Trend Micro provides
centrally controlled server-based virus and Java and Active X code
These solutions support OPSEC, an open architectural
framework providing interoperability and choice of third party
applications. RADAR also offers other OPSEC compliant solutions for URL
filtering, Event Analysis/Reporting and High Availability/Redundancy.
Ramco Systems is conducting seminars on "Securing E
Commerce for the Enterprise" in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. This
seminar will provide insight to the security threats to E Commerce
infrastructure and inter networks and the available solutions.