
Pointers and arrays

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When an array is declared the compiler allocates a base address and sufficient

amount of memory to contain all the elements of the array in contiguous memory

locations. Here, the base address is the location of the first element of the

array and the array name is a constant pointer to the first element. Let’s say

we declare an array a whose base address is 5000 i.e. a=5000 then the

name a is defined as a constant pointer to the first element a<0>.



Now if we declare an integer pointer p, then
p=a; will make the

pointer p point to the array a and is equivalent to

Since in an array the elements are stored in contiguous memory locations they

can be accessed easily and with greater speed using pointers rather than array

indexing. This can be done by incrementing the pointer.

p++ ;

Now the pointer will point to the second element a<1>. Here the address of an
element is calculated using its index and scale factor of the data


Address of a<1> = base address + (index * scale factor of data

                       = 5000 + (1 * 2)

= 5002

To access the elements of the array:

*p gives the value of a<0>,

*(p+1) gives the value of a<1>, *(p+2) gives the value of a<2> and so

Program to read and print an array





int a<10>,*p,I;

   printf(" \n Enter the elements of the array



     scanf("%d",p);              /* Note: for the scanf statement the address

operator & is not used */


   p=a;                             /* Resetting the pointer to the first

element of the array */

   printf(" \n The

elements of the array are:\n");
   for(p=a;p<=&a<9>;p++)     /* Thus eliminating the loop control

variable i */




Pointers can also be used

to manipulate two-dimensional arrays as well. We know that in a one dimensional

array a the expression
 *(a + i) is equivalent to


Similarly, a two dimensional array can be represented in the

following manner;
 *(*(a+I)+j) and this is equivalent to a.

In this case the base address is &a<0><0> and starting at this address

the compiler allocates contiguous space for all the elements row wise. That is

the first element of the second row is placed immediately after the last element

of the first row and so on.
Now if we declare
 int a<3><4>;
 p=a=&a<0><0>            /* It is equivalent to (p + 4 * i + j)


Thus if i is incremented by 1 p is incremented by 4 which is the size

of each row.

Pointers and character strings

We can also use

pointers to access the individual characters of a string. A string as we know is

essentially an array of characters terminated by a null character. The example

given below illustrates the use of pointers to strings.

Program to determine the length of a character





   char str<100>, *p;


   printf("\nEnter a string :


   printf("The elements of the array are :");





length of the string is : %d",(ptr-str));


Enter a string : This is a C

Output :

The elements of the array are : This is a C

The length of the string is : 20

The gets() function reads a

string of characters terminated by a newline character(‘\n’) from the standard

input device and stores it in a string variable that is passed as a parameter.

The newline character does not become a part of the string but instead a

null(‘\0’) character, considered as a string terminator is inserted at the end

of the string.

In the above program when the ‘for’ loop terminates, the pointer ptr holds

the address of the null character. Therefore, the statement ptr-str gives the

length of the string.

One important use of pointers is in handling of a table of strings. Consider

the following array of strings:


This says that name is a table containing three names each

with a maximum length of 25 characters including the null character. This table

will consist of three rows and twenty five columns. The total storage

requirement for the name table is 75 bytes. But the names entered may not be of

equal lengths hence storage space is wasted. Instead of making each row a fixed

number of characters, we can make a pointer to a string of varying length. For

 static char


declares name to be an array of

three pointers to characters, each pointer points to a particular name; name<0>

-> Ram, name<1> -> Shyam, name<2> -> Raj.
This declaration allocates

only 14 bytes, sufficient to hold all the characters. The printf statement

prints all the three names.
Now to access the jth character in the

ith name,

The character arrays with rows of varying length are called ragged arrays and

are better handled by pointers. Another point to be noted is that * has a lower

precedence than <>, therefore ptr<3> declares ptr as an array of three pointers

while (*ptr)<3> declares ptr as a pointer to an array of three elements.
