
"Coronavirus has significantly changed the contours of professional life", says PM Modi on LinkedIn Post

PM Modi on LinkedIn post titled " Life in the era of COVID-19" talked about how digitalization was changing the Indian scenario and adaptability.

CIOL Bureau
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PM Modi on LinkedIn post

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed India on a LinkedIn blog post. PM Modi on LinkedIn titled the post "Life in the era of COVID-19". It talked in length about how coronavirus has impacted our professional life. He also tweeted it on Twitter.


The post went on length on how work from home has changed the dynamic of workplaces. He added that the home is the new office, the internet is the new meeting room and office breaks with colleagues are now histories. Even his meetings are now via video conferencing. The need of the hour is to think of business and lifestyle models that are easily adaptable. He said. "Doing so would mean that even in a time of crisis, our offices, businesses and commerce could get moving faster, ensuring loss of life does not occur."

Digitalization is the new trend and we are adapting to it now. In it, he gave the examples of the Jan Dhan Yojana and education portals of the Government of India. "This seemingly simple connection has not only stopped corruption and rent-seeking that was going on for decades, but has also enabled the Government to transfer money at the click of a button," he said in support for the Jan Dhan Yojana. On the education front, we have the Diksha platform and Swayam Platform.


PM Modi on new business models

Today, the world is in pursuit of new business models.

India, a youthful nation known for its innovative zeal can take the lead in providing a new work culture.


He called the new work culture development and businesses as vowels. As vowels support the Engish language, these developments are supporting the business models. The vowels are:

A- Adaptability, E- Efficiency, I- Inclusivity, O- Opportunity, U- Universalism

A- Adaptability


In this, he specified the need to adapt to digital technology in India. "The need of the hour is to think of business and lifestyle models that are easily adaptable," he said. From digital payments to telemedicine, there is a lot of scopes for new businesses to develop today. They have to be simple, adaptable and problem-solving. He urged entrepreneurs to think beyond and see how they can change the business scenario.

E- Efficiency

Here, PM Modi talked about how efficiency is not only about spending some time in office. Due to COVID-19, we have realised the potential of WFH and PM Modi urged the readers to "reimagine what efficiency means". He said, "We should perhaps think of models where productivity and efficiency matter more than appearance of effort."


I- Inclusivity

"Do more with less," PM said. He asked the readers to think of such business models that can care for the poor. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we need low-cost health solutions. In this view, he said, "We should invest in innovations to make sure our farmers have access to information, machinery, and markets no matter what the situation, that our citizens have access to essential goods."

O- Opportunity


The COVID-19 scenario has given us the sea to test our waters. Today, we have to seize the opportunity and new growth areas. He said, "Rather than playing catch up, India must be ahead of the curve in the post-COVID world. Let us think about how our people, our skills sets, our core capabilities can be used in doing so."

U- Universalism

He said, "COVID-19 does not see race, religion, colour, caste, creed, language or border before striking. Our response and conduct thereafter should attach primacy to unity and brotherhood."


Lastly, he urged Indians to keep their mental health fit as well. He said, "The shift from BYOD to WFH brings new challenges to balance the official and personal. Whatever be the case, devote time to fitness and exercise."

He also asked readers to download the Aarogya Setu app.

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