SANTA CRUZ, USA: Hackathons focused on application development for wearable technologies are an important testing ground for pushing the limits of these emerging devices. To-date, Plantronics' innovations team, PLT Labs, has participated in 10 hackathons nationwide and shared its Wearable Concept 1 device with scores of developers.
On March 5-7, developers will gather for additional face time with PLT Labs and other industry experts during Wearables DevCon 2014 - an inaugural show devoted to the wearable tech developer community.
During the show, PLT Labs head of innovation, Cary Bran, will outline the core pillars of wireless connectivity for wearable devices and share practical guidance on how developers can choose the right technology and development routes for particular use cases and platforms.
"Wearable tech gives today's software developers an unprecedented opportunity to create applications leveraging information that until now has been out of reach," said Cary Bran, head of PLT Labs and senior director of Innovation and New Ventures, Plantronics.
"Understanding this opportunity and the associated technology challenges will be critical for developers and businesses alike, as together they strive to create applications that will enrich not only individual experiences but also the much larger and growing wearable tech ecosystem as a whole."
Wearable Concept 1, developed by the PLT Labs team, takes Plantronics' flagship technology beyond audio into true wearables territory and provides developers with a platform to create new applications and use cases for this emerging tech.
PLT Labs has been working with developers across the country to help make wearable tech-related applications a reality through its participation at key hackathons throughout the country.