WASHINGTON, USA: The discovery that the employees in her office had received and forwarded racist emails about President-elect Barack Obama, using state government accounts, has put Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, in a tight corner.
After the discovery on Thursday Palin was under pressure to respond to the issue. According to reports the messages apparently originated in a private account but some state employees used their official account to forward it to others.
Questioning the outcome of the Democrat's victory, one email said: "Another black family living in government housing!" The state information technology division said the mails were forwarded dozens of times.
Administration commissioner Annette Kreitzer said: "It's embarrassing to the state." She said she had alerted the office of Palin about the emails. However, Palin did not respond to the issue, which has once again infuriated her critics, who suspected her of disrespecting the African American community.
The silence on the part of the Governor Palin is seen as a reflection of her racist views. According to Bill McAllister, a spokesman for the governor, the matter concerned individual actions taken by a handful of state employees among thousands.
During the presidential election also Palin, the failed Republican vice presidential candidate in the recent election, had faced problems for her allegedly racist stands. Interestingly, it was the potential of the Internet that helped Obama in his historic win in the US presidential elections.