
Outlook 2009: Mobile Devices and Networks

CIOL Bureau
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New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA:  In this series of year-end specials on technology, we present the outlook for 2009 for mobile devices and networks.


Trends for mobile devices in 2009: Aricent
An interesting look at some key trends likely to impact mobile devices during 2009.

Top 10 trends in mobility in 2009: GlobalLogic
An interesting look at some key trends trends in mobility.

Outlook 2009: Top 10 India trends for mobility
Presenting the likely top 10 trends in mobility, during the coming year, by Sourabh Jain, Founder and CEO, ngpay.


Now, mobile phones poised for slowdown in 2009!
Not all segments likely to decline; IDC expects converged mobile devices or smartphones, to grow 8.9 percent worldwide in 2009.

Will LTE be to mobile operators what NGNs are to fixed?
Migration to LTE will need to be approached in the same way fixed telcos have viewed NGN deployments, long term and holistically, says Ovum.
