
Opera Mobile 9.5 for smartphones

CIOL Bureau
New Update

OSLO, NORWAY/BARCELONA, SPAIN: Opera Software today announced the commercial released of Opera Mobile 9.5 - the latest version of its Web browser for feature phones and smartphones.


The new version utilizes a modified Opera Presto rendering engine to achieve page load speeds comparable to a desktop experience.

An Opera statement said that it improves page responsiveness on pages with heavy use of languages such as JavaScript and Ajax, ensuring smooth, hassle-free browsing.

Opera Mobile 9.5 includes features aimed at elevating the mobile browsing experience. Web 2.0-enabled, Widget-ready and Flash support enables Opera Mobile 9.5 to allow users to access Web sites with lesser number of clicks.


With Opera Mobile 9.5, OEMs and operators will have the capability to include Flash Lite 3. Opera Mobile 9.5 can serve Web content directly on the idle screen, the statement said.

"Opera Mobile is the result of Opera's unwavering commitment to a vision that puts a true Web experience in the hands of mobile users," said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. "The improved functionality of Opera Mobile 9.5 and easy access to information has raised the bar on a more compelling mobile Web browsing experience and will further stimulate mobile Internet adoption. "

Opera Mobile is currently shipped on more than 100 million phones with many of the world's top mobile OEMs and operators. Opera Mobile 9.5 will be available on all major platforms including Symbian, Windows Mobile and Linux, as both a standalone browser and as a SDK.


The public beta release of Opera Mobile 9.5 will be announced separately, Opera said.
