
NQ Mobile intros Mobile Security V6.0 for Android

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

JOSE, USA: NQ Mobile, the international brand of NetQin Mobile, Inc., a leading provider of consumer-centric mobile security and productivity applications, on Monday released the latest version of its award-winning antivirus software, Mobile Security V6.0 for Android.


The new software now available as a free download, is the first of many products under the NQ Mobile brand. This update offers Android users several new features to protect their privacy and financial information, as well as significant improvements to the user interface.

A company release said that the new software utilizing NQ Mobile's proprietary cloud scanning technology, Mobile Security 6.0 detects and deletes viruses, malicious URLs, and other threats before you even know they exist. With newly enhanced features including GPS-based anti-loss/theft features, backup and restore tools for your contacts, complete privacy protection, traffic monitoring, and more, NQ Mobile Security 6.0 improves on the 5.0 version, which out-performed all competitive mobile security platforms in a West Coast Labs Comparative Test. The refined interface reflects the specific needs of users in the global markets served by NQ Mobile.



Anti-eavesdropping protection: With anti-eavesdropping, users can be sure their calls are not being recorded by third party apps or viruses.

Financial security protection: When users access financial websites via their system browser or start e-bank/securities apps, NQ Mobile Security V6.0 automatically scans all running apps to determine if any active apps pose a security risk.


"Privacy and security threats to Android devices grew 400 percent last year, faster than the already staggering sales of these devices," said NQ Mobile co-Chief Executive Officer, Omar Khan. "And, with a growing number of consumers doing more with smartphones that includes private and sensitive information, NQ Mobile Security V6.0 provides state-of-the-art protection, including an innovative anti-eavesdropping feature. The new user interface makes it a dream to use."
