BANGALORE, INDIA: There has been many a leaks giving details about Apple's fourth smartphone model. The latest leak says that the upcoming iPhone will include a much higher resolution camera than is built into the current version.
The iPhone 3GS has a 3.0 MPx camera, which is supplied by OmniVision Technologies. Sources at this company have let it be known that it will be supplying 5 MPx cameras for the next-generation model.
Many high-end and mid-range smartphones have 5 MPx cameras, including the Motorola Droid, HTC HD2, Nokia N900, HTC Hero, etc. More cutting-edge models have moved up to 8 megapixel cameras.
OmniVision (and possibly Apple itself) are optimistic about how many of these iPhone cameras will be needed next year: 40-45 million.
iPhone 4G
Apple has generally been very good at preventing solid information about its products from leaking out well ahead of their unveiling, but that hasn't stopped the rumors from flying around the Web. However, as the next-generation iPhone isn't expected to be announced for months, all of these are questionable.
A frequently-heard report is that that Verizon Wireless will get the iPhone next year, ending AT&T's long-held role as exclusive U.S. provider of this smartphone.
It's possible the fourth-generation model will have twice the storage capacity of the current one: 64 GB.
Another unconfirmed report says this upcoming device will have a 2.8-inch display. All previous phones from Apple have had 3.5-inch touchscreens, so the company may be planning to noticeably reduce the size of this product line.
Source: DigiTimes