
Multiplexes - Are you online?

CIOL Bureau
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PUNE: The Internet and Mobile Association of India (formerly known as the Internet and Online Association), a non-profit industry trade organization, dedicated to present a unified voice to industry and government has released research on Internet user's proclivity for the entertainment industry and predisposition to buying movie tickets online.


The report recommends multiplexes to increase their online activities for the increasing number of Internet users. The reports have taken a focused view on the growing multiplex market and its synergy with the online world. Inferring from the report (Entertainment, Eyes and Ears tuning to the Internet), 72 percent of Internet users book their tickets in advance, of which 41 percent prefer multiplexes.

According to the report, 22 percent of Internet users purchased tickets online once or more whereas 46 percent of Internet users are likely to buy movie tickets online. 34 percent of online users spend more than Rs 300 on a movie visit. Clearly, this makes a strong case for multiplexes to develop sustaining e-ticketing infrastructure.

The research shows that with 28 million Indians online, of which 60 percent are in the 20-40 age groups, the prime movie-going audience is most likely to book tickets online. Surmising from the E-commerce Report, 'The Power Shopper', 15 percent of regular Ecommerce shoppers have bought online and 27 percent are likely to buy in the future, an 80 percent increase.


Currently there are 73 multiplexes (cumulative 276 screens) across India. It is expected that, in the coming years, large multiplex operators will open 50 to 60 new multiplex properties across India. In 2004-05, multiplexes contributed 35 percent of total box office collection of the top 50 Hindi films.

Interestingly, an important part of ticket collections are through E-ticketing. According to Preeti Desai, president, IAMAI, “Our research report on the entertainment industry dismissed the myth that E-commerce in India is passé.

For an online population of 28 million, opportunity to sell online tickets by multiplexes is in the region of Rs 32.67 crore per month, which sums it to 390 crore annually, thus showing the magnitude of e-ticketing. Even at a pessimistic estimate of just 30 percent of showcased numbers, it's possible to sell Rs 100 crore worth of movie tickets through online sales.”


According to Shravan Shroff, managing director, Sringar Cinemas Ltd, “The introduction of e-ticketing by 'FAME' was a result of a realization of a latent demand and an untapped avenue by theatres and multiplexes across India.

The research was conducted in collaboration with Cross-Tab marketing services, pioneers of online research in India. IAMAI has chosen Cross-Tab as a partner for the online study as they have comprehensive expertise on online research owing to 300 online studies they have done across various sectors (FMCG, financial services, retail, technology, online pure services, etc.) for Indian as well as international clients.
