
'LTE insufficient to address capacity issues': Survey

CIOL Bureau
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LONDON, UK: While WiMAX is being challenged by LTE and TD-LTE, service providers have stated publicly (including KDDI recently in Japan) that LTE is not sufficient to address capacity issues and they intend to adopt a broad 4G strategy that includes WiFi and WiMAX as complementary technologies, finds Infonetics Research.


In 12 months, from 2009 to 2010, the number of WiMAX subscribers worldwide is more than doubling, from just under 3 million to more than 7.5 million. In November 2010, the WiMAX Forum reported that there are now 587 WiMAX networks being deployed in 148 countries, in addition to 150 WiMAX trials in progress. 

Also Read: Reliance Ericsson demo LTE-TDD in India

Richard Webb, directing analyst for WiMAX, microwave, and mobile devices, Infonetics Research said: “The WiMAX market is battling through a tough year, with perceptions of the technology dented by the promise of TD-LTE, which overshadows WiMAX like a black cloud. There’s enough doomsday talk about WiMAX lately that people seem to be overlooking the fact that the WiMAX equipment market has performed pretty well so far in 2010, including another consecutive quarter of decent growth in the third quarter."


Combined worldwide WiMAX equipment and device revenue totaled $355 million in 3Q10, up eight percent from 2Q10, and up nine percent from the recession-weakened 3Q09

"At least for now, the WiMAX market is growing, based on expansion of existing networks, greenfield deployments, a gradually broadening device ecosystem, and continued subscriber growth,” notes Webb.

Over the long term, developing countries such as India, China, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico will be the high-growth markets for WiMAX.


Motorola maintained its revenue share lead in the combined worldwide WiMAX equipment and device market in 3Q10 despite a drop in share, while Samsung and Alvarion jumped up and Huawei dropped in rankings.
