
Locate nearest Docs and hospitals with Medinfi app

Medinfi an Android mobile app helps users locate the nearest doctors and hospitals for their every-day check-ups

Sanghamitra Kar
New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: Medinfi an Android mobile app helps users locate the nearest doctors and hospitals for their every-day check-ups.


The application automatically detects the current user location and displays the nearest doctors and hospitals. Apart from General Physicians, users can easily locate Specialist doctors by simply searching for affected body part (e.g. heart) or affected patients (e.g. kids).

Medinfi mobile application is very useful for such users who can easily find the nearest doctors and hospitals on the go. What’s more, users can also share doctor/hospital profiles with their Whatsapp friends thereby eliminating the need to call their friends every time.

Currently, the application is available for users in Bengaluru, Delhi, and Mumbai with information on 5000+ verified doctors and hospitals.


The company plans to expand to 20 Indian cities by end of this year and have nearly one million active users on its platform.

While the users can call the doctors and hospitals from the mobile application, Medinfi does not have any revenue tie-ups with either doctors or hospitals and thereby does not book appointments.

The company wants to remain a pure-play content platform and would like to continue serving its users with genuine and verified content at all times. Medinfi has its headquarters in Bangalore with teams present in Delhi NCR, Pune, and Mumbai.

healthcare android mobile-app smac