
Load Impact releases beta for cloud based performance testing

Soma Tah
New Update

SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Load Impact, the cloud-based performance testing service, has began providing access to its new Load Impact Continuous Delivery service, which allows developers of business-critical websites, apps and APIs to make stress testing an integrated part of their continuous delivery process.


Load testing makes it possible to see the performance impact on a website, app or API as the number of users and their geographic locations are increased.

The new Load Impact Continuous Delivery service comprises the Load Impact application programming interface (API), software development kits (SDKs) for a variety of programming languages, and a library of plug-ins and integrations for popular continuous delivery systems.

The API gives developers direct access to the platform of features and functions behind the popular Load Impact On-Demand service, including the ability to create different user scenarios, define and run tests, and extract and graph test results data.


The SDKs make the same features and functions available in popular programming languages, starting with Python and Java. PHP, Ruby and Java Script are scheduled for release before January, 2014.

The first plug-in available with Load Impact Continuous Delivery is for Jenkins. Additional integrations and plug-ins are on schedule for New Relic, TeamCity, CloudBees, and Google Analytics among others.

"Making load testing an automated step in your continuous delivery pipeline frees up time for your developers or testers, who would otherwise spend a lot of time on manual load testing," said Ragnar Lönn, Load Impact founder and CEO.


"It also provides you with much earlier warning when some piece of code isn't performing as well as intended, reducing the amount of time wasted on bad code tracks and ultimately allowing you to release faster and deliver a better end user experience to your customers," added he.

Pricing for the service ranges from free for performance tests simulating fewer than 15 users, up to $100,000 per year subscriptions for tests.

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