
Like Google, Apple to finally allow developers to answer reviews on the app store

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL Like Google, Apple to finally allow developers to answer reviews on the app store

Apple users are well aware of the frustration that happens when they leave a complaint or review on the app store but never receive a reply. That's one example of poor customer service! However, that is about to change.


Apple is bringing a much-needed feature that allows developers to respond to customer reviews on its App Store and Mac App Store. Though the exact timing of the release is still unclear, this feature has long been available to Android developers on Google Play.

In the release notes of iOS 10.3, Apple said, "When iOS 10.3 ships to customers, you will be able to respond to customer reviews on the App Store in a way that is available for all customers to see."

With the latest update, developer feedback will be displayed publicly on the App Store reviews page, which could be viewed by all the users. This means now you don't have to take your 'app purchase decision' based on a biased or rigged review.


With the introduction of a new API, Apple is also improving the way apps ask for reviews and ratings with annoying popup alerts. Now developers can ask users to rate or review the app while they’re using it, without being redirected to the App Store.

Moreover, Apple will also roll out the new Apple File System, APFS. Initially arrived in the Sierra 10.12 beta, APFS is optimised for devices with solid state storage, supports 64-bit file IDs, offers strong encryption, is more efficient at managing a hard drive’s free space, and improves latency.

The new iOS also includes other updates like "Find My AirPods" feature for tracking down misplaced AirPods, updates to Siri that let you ask for cricket scores and some HomeKit improvements.

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