
LG breaks the price barrier with Cookie

CIOL Bureau
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BANGALORE, INDIA: LG Electronics has been in the forefront of introducing mobile handsets with innovative touch screen technologies. The company's latest portfolio of smart phones not only takes the user experience to new levels but also breaks the price barrier to make the touch screen affordable to the Indian masses.

Here, Anil Arora, business group marketing head, Mobile Communication, LG Electronics Pvt Ltd discusses the key market trends LG latest models and affordability in an interview with CIOL's Sharath Kumar.

CIOL:  In your opinion, what drives users towards the touch screen technology?

Anil Arora


Anil Arora: Touch screen is getting mass acceptance in India due to the convenience factor and the ease of use. Today, we see touch screen devices all around us, be it mobile phones, computer screens, GPS navigators, information kiosks, ATM machines, ticket vending machines, and many others.

In mobiles devices touch screen add a glamor value to it. Besides, till recent times, price remained a major roadblock for the mass adoption of touch screen phones. But now, the prices of such devices have seen a steady decline paving the way for its increasing popularity. LG is the first manufacturer in India to place touch screen phones in the affordable area through Cookie KP500.

CIOL: How has been the market response to your latest portfolio of smart phones?


AA: Our latest LG Arena has gained huge popularity and has garnered positive responses. Touch screen devices have come a long way from the initial stylus-based basic feature devices to add the snazzier features of today like gesture recognition, finger swiping, handwriting recognition etc.

The popularity of touchscreen lies on the fact that it enables one to interact directly with what is displayed on the screen, rather than indirectly with a mouse or touch-pad.

CIOL: What is the role of your India R&D team?


AA: We always foresee future trends and requirements in order to provide the latest and the best to customers and as a result, all our products are insight based. R&D is part of our regular practice to ensure that brand offerings match consumer expectation. There are constant efforts by the company to constantly make LG phones better.

CIOL: What is LG doing to make touch screen phones more affordable?

AA: We have a vast portfolio of touchscreen and enjoy a positive market share in the segment. The latest Touch wonder is LG Cookie; it offers touchscreen at an affordable pricing, enabling all users to have easy access to touch screen technology.


Cookie was launched to provide experience of touch phone to Indian consumers at an affordable price. Earlier, touch screen technology was restricted to niche buyers only. But Cookie broke the price barrier and was received with open arms by the masses.
