
IoT one of core drivers of integration in 2015: Intel

Pradeep Chakraborty
New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: A fresh, new year, new predictions, new trends, and well, everything new. I met up with Sunit Rikhi, VP, Technology & Manufacturing Group, GM, Intel Custom Foundry, Intel Corp., during his recent trip to India. Here's the outcome of our discussion.


CIOL: What are the trends for 2015 in the semiconductor industry?

Sunit Rikhi: Today’s digital economy has been made possible by the decades of unparalleled contributions of the semiconductor industry. Computing and communications technologies are enabling an explosion in new capabilities and services powered by smart and connected devices.

Through its innovations, the semiconductor industry will continue to bridge economic gaps worldwide and uplift the quality of lives in unprecedented ways. Far into the future, semiconductors will continue to serve as the platform of global innovation that will redefine the way we live in, and interact with our world and we will do so by working together as one eco-system that learns and grows.


A lasting trend guiding the entire semiconductor industry is ‘Integration’ driven by Moore’s Law. It is the ability to put cheaper and better performing transistors together to fit in constrained cost and power envelopes. With the ongoing digital revolution, integration will play a key role in enabling the huge potential of Internet of Things.

CIOL: What will be the impact of the trends - how it is enabling the explosion of devices and IoT?Sunit Rikhi

SR: As we continue our journey into this era of integration in 2015, IoT will be one of the core drivers taking us there. IoT will enrich everyday life, improve government efficiency, transform business and increase productivity, delivering huge value to communities across the globe.


It will also generate unlimited opportunities for everyone. It will be a major driver of new applications and new business models in the digital revolution. For instance, objects around us will need built-in, secure, interconnected intelligence to serve mobile, home and industrial IOT applications.

These objects will be instrumental in generating data and running multiple applications. Consequently, it will drive growth in networking and data center capabilities in storage, transaction processing & real-time big-data analysis. And, this in turn involves more applications and services to a growing number of connected devices.

CIOL: What are some new technology advancements taking place?


SR: Thanks to advanced architectures and manufacturing technologies in semiconductors, there is no end to what innovations in various form factors with remarkable functions could achieve. Some of the latest innovations delivering new and rich consumer experiences are in the space of wireless, facial recognition for security, Real Sense user interfaces and more. We can expect more innovations happening in these areas in the near future.

There are plenty of innovations that continue to advance the leading edge of Moore’s Law. From Strained Silicon to Hi-K Metal gate to Tri-Gate transistors, Intel has led the way to today’s advanced 14nm technologies in production. We should expect to see continued innovation and progress towards 10nm and 7nm nodes in the next few years, with the traditional exponential reductions in Cost-Per-Transistor (CPT).

CIOL: What role can the eco-system play to harness the technology advancements and realize the IoT potential?


SR: A strong eco-system comprising industry, academia and government including policy makers play a pivotal role in digitalization of India. It’s really exciting to see strong focus and commitment from these key partners towards realizing India’s digital vision. Additionally, a technology ecosystem focused on creating locally relevant and customized solutions is important. These solutions need to address barriers to technology use, galvanize masses to reap computing benefits by delivering enriching consumer experiences.

Given India’s abundant talent, investments in tech-ecosystem with fervor for entrepreneurship and innovation, the country is well poised to realize the IoT potential.

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