
Intuit opens centers of excellence in Bangalore

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

Priya Padmanabhan


BANGALORE: US-based tax and accounting software maker Intuit is leveraging the skills of engineers at its center here to create solutions for SMB customers.

The company has around 40 engineers at its facility in India and hopes to double the headcount by the end of the year.

Allison Mnookin, vice president, QuickBooks Financial Solutions, Intuit, said that the company had set up three centers of excellence at the Bangalore center. “These teams are working on solutions that can solve problems for our SMB customers.” Over 50 per cent of Intuit’s revenues are from sales of its products like QuickBooks and QuickBooks Point of Sale for the SMB segment.


One team looks at developing solutions like Customer relationship Management (CRM) and payroll solutions for small companies. The other two CoEs include a team that is focused on providing business intelligence functionality within the accounting system that can monitor the health of the company and a technology that helps customers gain access to data at a granular level.

Intuit is focused on the US market and Mnookin said that while the company is evaluating new markets, it is yet to firm up plans of looking beyond the US for new markets.

In addition to its own development team in Bangalore, Intuit outsources part of its product development to Cognizant Technology Solutions in Chennai and Bangalore.


Recently, the company announced a tie-up with Google where in small businesses could use QuickBooks to market themselves online by listing their businesses on Google Maps, launch advertising campaigns with Google AdWords and post their products for sale on Google Base – a free product listing service.

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