
Intel to release 2.4GHz P4

CIOL Bureau
New Update

Determined it can win the performance argument with Advanced Micro Devices on
the basis of the MegaHertz speed gap between the Pentium 4 and Athlon chips,
Intel is expected to announce a new 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 processor. Currently, the
fastest Pentium 4 chip runs at 2.2 GHz. The fastest AMD Athlon does about 1.7
billion cycles per second. The 2.4GHz Pentium 4 chip will cost $560 each in
quantities of 1,000, typically the price at which Intel introduces its
top-of-the-line processor.


Just one year ago, AMD's Athlon processors were faster than Intel's. But the
Santa Clara chip company has since embarked on a strategy to put an
ever-increasing performance gap between its top-of-the-line chips and those form
AMD. While AMD has been able to claim similar performance due to a better
architecture, the megahertz gap is quickly becoming too large and thus
relegating the Athlon chip to second-class citizenship in the world of PC
