Honor, Huawei’s sub-brand, launched its new Honor 9i smartphone in India. The smartphone, priced at Rs 17,999 features dual camera set-ups on both the front and back and sports a full-view display. The device comes in Platinum Gold, Midnight Black and Navy Blue color options and would be available for sale exclusively on Flipkart starting October 14.
Honor 9i features a unibody metal design and a 5.9-inch full HD+ (2160 x 1080 pixels) 2.5D curved glass display with an 18:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by a 2.36 GHz Octa-core Kirin 659 processor coupled with 4GB RAM. The smartphone has a 64GB internal memory which is expandable up to 256GB with microSD.
The biggest highlight of the Honor 9i is its optics with four cameras: two at the front and two at the back. At the front, it sports a 13-megapixel sensor accompanied by a 2-megapixel sensor for depth of field enabled shots. At the back, there's a 16-megapixel primary sensor clubbed with a 2-megapixel secondary sensor. Dual cameras on both panels mean that the handset is capable of clicking Bokeh shots and portraits.
The smartphone runs on Android 7.0 Nougat and has the EMUI 5.1 on top of it. It is powered by a 3340 mAh battery and also features a fingerprint sensor on the back of the device below the dual camera setup.
Honor has also launched the 10,000mAh Quick Charge Power Bank, priced at Rs 2,399. It will be available via the Honor online store for India, with a Diwali offer till October 28 that makes it available at a discounted price of Rs 1,999.