
Google’s G Suite customers can now make custom templates for Docs, Sheets & Slides

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New Update
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Google has announced new features for organizations that pay for its G Suite cloud service portfolio, which includes the likes of Gmail and Google Docs that will allow approved customers to add customized templates for Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.


Google introduced templates for those apps last year. Notably, G Suite customers will now be able to add their own in a category that’s separate from the standard-issue templates.

CIOL Google’s G Suite customers can now make custom templates for Docs, Sheets, and Slides

“With these customizable templates, your teams can focus less on formatting and more on driving impact and sharing success,” G Suite product manager Brian Levee wrote in a blog post. Certain types of G Suite customers — those that subscribe to G Suite for Business and G Suite for Education editions — can only allow templates to be rolled out to all end users after they have been approved., Levee wrote.


Microsoft’s Office has been providing this capability for a long time and it was due with Google for some time. Also, Google Docs got six new templates through partners earlier this year. The new upgrade is expected to make the cloud applications less anonymous.
